Pinterest Projects: Round Four

Hey look! I actually did STUFF, not just cooked food this week!
This is probably my favorite “make it yourself” cosmetic. Scratch that. It IS my favorite. I’m hooked on natural DIY shampoo and I’m never looking back. I was always intrigued by the “no poo” people but frankly, was intimidated by all the instructions. How would I not screw it up? It seemed cumbersome and I wasn’t sure how I’d store the baking soda and vinegar in the shower. Plus, my hair is finicky, though short, and likes to be washed. I know, I know, it’s “addicted to shampoo but regardless, it enjoys being clean and so do I.
Enter Crunchy Betty’s Sorta ‘Poo. Yes. This is what I have been searching for, without really searching. As a “hippie” momma, I I always have coconut milk on hand as well as Castile soap and that’s all you need! I mixed myself up a batch, put it into an old spice jar I had on hand and  grabbed a medicine dropper. I use about 3/4 tsp which is more than enough for my short hair. It bubbles! It froths! It cleans my hair! If you can’t tell already, I’m pretty much in love. Go make some and report back here. I’m curious if anyone else is as smitten as I am.

DIY Room Air Freshener

The ridiculously easy instructions call for essential oil but I had extra perfume oil from Body Shop I’ve been contemplating tossing. So I used them here. I also used cheesecloth held on with the canning ring instead of poking holes in a top or using foil. It’s a faint smell so I have to shake the jar if the air really needs freshening but it’s easy and cheap so sure. I’d do it again.
This did work but was certainly not the miracle I’m sure many other pinners were hoping for. (The pin actually links to another “tester” who had the amazing results you see in the picture below. I guess her tub started out a bit dirtier than mine!) It smelled (warm vinegar- yummy) but was easy enough to apply to the tubs. I waited a few hours and went back to wash off. The tub with the removable shower head was infinitely easier to clean, duh. But it did make the tubs shine.  Just had to rinse for awhile cause we have really soft water & I didn’t want anyone breaking their neck getting into the tub.
Pretty good. Kinda boring and I like my spouts a bit softer so I probably undercooked them or something. I guess I’m just addicted to my slow cooker sprout recipe.
Still definitely not better Brussels sprouts recipe than this one – Very Best Brussels Sprouts EVER. Granted, not as pretty but seriously amazing.
Since I’m eating primal/Paleo, I’ve upped my nut butter intake. It’s used as a base in many of the things I bake. Mom gets me jars at Costco for a good price but this make it yourself might be the way I go instead! Honestly it would depend on the cost of raw almonds. I assume they’re cheaper than almond butter but you never know. This was so easy. Almonds + food processor. I did not add anything to this as the recipe calls for because the almonds I used were cinnamon covered and had sweetness to them. Ryan loves the finished product and eats it straight from the jar.
If this post got me started in my House Organization Project, this one kicked it into overdrive! It’s got a ton of great daily ideas to declutter and organize your home. And she offers it all for FREE! I’m going through the entire year in a few months but it’s great to follow and she has ideas I wouldn’t have thought of. Highly recommend this if you’re looking to bite off small chunks and declutter your home once and for all!
Currently working on- Menu Board
Follow me on Pinterest to see what I’ll do next!
Now get off the computer and get some stuff done people!
This entry was posted in Crafty, Creativity, DH, DITY, Family, Food, Gluten Free, Health, Home, Paleo, Pinterest, Recipes, Stuff I Love. Bookmark the permalink.

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